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DGEN ex MACHINA | #GATTAI is the first stage of a collectible pixel art project that pays homage to mecha anime, tokusatsu media, and retro gaming as a whole. Each piece was meticulously crafted and selected over the course of 2 years from over 800 different assets and aims to embody our goals through art and graphic design. Phase 1 合体! (Gattai!) is the very first step of an ambitious project lead by the self proclaimed, "hardcore-casual" gamer, DEXBOT. A passionate self-taught indie dev and pixel artist drawing inspiration from the golden ages of gaming and the pioneers of Web3. The minimalist artstyle and strong community ideals aim to educate and enlist a divergent group of gamers and creatives who enjoy forging their own paths through experimentation and building. Our endgame obective is to build a fair, newtype of gaming ecosystem from the ground up. After careful consideration and planning we've decided to use web3 tech to back our crowdfunding efforts primarily to fairly reward our initial supporters and maintain transparency throughout development.

What can they do?

All MACHINA NFTs (aka ROMs) are meant to act as a unique software license that will grant access into the DGEN ex MACHINA community beta test. Holders will be rewarded with automatic whitelisting to all future projects after phase 1, Æth token airdrops, and the ability to call themselves a founder. In addition to this, each Machina possesses a unique build and set of skills that will correspond to gameplay mechanics in the upcoming arcade style mecha roguelike title "#GATTAI". In essence, each Machina ROM will grant players a unique playthrough experience with varying fighting styles, traversable paths, loot tables, and upgrade possibilities. Owning more than one MACHINA will open up more paths in and outside of the game. To put it simply, "Together, they are stronger. 合体!"

合体! (GATTAI)?

合体! (GATTAI) directly translates into "union" it is also a term used when combining robots in mecha anime and tokusatsu shows. I named the first leg of this project GATTAI to simultaneously establish our brand and show that this is a community building effort among people interested in the mecha niche. GATTAI is also the first live utilty of the MACHINA NFT. This feature impliments an experimental custom smart contract function (_GATTAI) to allow holders to select two different machina and pull desired traits from each to create a new one at the cost of burning a donor. This can only be performed once per ROM and requires developer approval. This was created to allow the community to have a little fun and flex their mechs as they evolve but also to allow the community to build value through their own creativity if they so choose.